Thursday, November 29, 2018

Step 1. How water can change you boring lifestyles || Only 24 hours in a day ||

                        Welcome to Only 24 hours in a day 

                                          There are serval ways of changing your lifestyle but here I am tell major steps that you follow and changing you life any other person doesnot change you life but he motivate or demotivate you.
      If your will Power, Passion and belives  are enough stronge then you will nerver demotivated. And take every thing be Positive.

     Steps of changing you lifestyles:

1. Drinks enough water:

If you are student then you hear or study in science or biology subject that our body consist of 60% of water. Its mean that you can drink 2 liter of water in a day. There is only a water that are found in every where except derest and its free of cost. 

If you don't eat food about 5 day you can surives but if don't drink water you can't survies. About 60 to 70% of disease is due to lack of water in your body like Urinary tract infectioin etc.
   Sign of drinking lack of water:
                                    There are some signs when you are dehydrated
1. Dry lips
2. Skin dry
3. Dry Mouth and Throat
4. Pale Pee
5.Dry Face

  How Water can effect or change you lifestyle

1. If you drink alot of water that you have alot of pee that's mean its remove or excrets alot of unhealthy bacteria.
2. If you drinking alot of water than you have alot amount of sweats. Sweat remove dust that are fill in pores in our body. If you have no sweat that mean your pore are fill in dust that cause Acne.That mean its help to remove Acne.
3. If you are obsese and want to become lean then you should drink water about 10 to 12 days then you should decreses your body fats
4. If you are bodybuilder then you should drink alot of water beacuse muscle are also contain water that can increase your muscle mass.
5. If you drink alot of water then you are more energtic and active.
 If you can drink water 8 to 10 Glass of water then you feel you body more active and grooming and other alot of changes. If you feel changes in your body then write in comment section.
  If this topic can change you life then likes and share your friends and also make your family healthy and happy and if you found someone whoes are inactive then give advice to drink 2 Glass of water.

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

How to change your boring life style into healthylife style Steps by steps || Only 24 hous in a day||

If you are living in a poor, obesity and sedative lifestyle and tried from your health-related issues like this man and girl.....

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        And try everything to change your life but still there
 If you want to make their life happy and live like physical fitness and healthy then that help you and live like that
                          Related image

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   I promise that will change your life and I am here how you can change your lifestyle and ask to feel free questions and I am here post health tips for you guys daily or weekly bases
     If you like this and tell about what do you want in a comment section and please share it with your friends